Week 4mr. Mac's Virtual Existence


The links on this page are all VIRTUAL LABS offered by the Glencoe textbook company. These labs give the students the adventure of laboratory experimentation without costly supplies, worrisome environmental and safety issues, or time-consuming clean up. McDonald's Sweden is launching a promotion that invites kids to turn Happy Meal boxes into virtual-reality viewers. Dubbed Happy Goggles, some 3,500 of them will be made available at 14.


Week 4mr. Mac's Virtual Existence Date

QHS Remote Learning - Week 4 and 5 Activities

posted May 3, 2020, 11:07 PM by Kenneth Macdonough [ updated May 12, 2020, 4:07 PM]

Week 4mr. Mac's Virtual Existence Key

Week 4mr. Mac

Week 4mr. Mac's Virtual Existence Reality

Art 1 and 2D Foundations:

Anatomical Sketchbook Series

Target Goal:

  • I can apply light and dark values within a combination of contour and gestural lines to form figures in a sketch that replicate part of the human body.


  • Use google to locate images of the following skeletal structures: Hand, Foot.
  • Complete a TOTAL of 4 sketches. 2 of the human hand, and 2 of the human foot. 1 of each should be of the bones that make up that particular skeletal system, and 1 should be as they normally look, with flesh.
  • To the best of your ability, apply shading with various light and dark values throughout, as well as accurate, to scale sizing and proportion. Work large, and use all the space on your paper.
  • Clearly label each attempt.
  • Challenge: If you would like an additional challenge, try sketching the muscular systems that make up the hand and foot as well. (See example below).

3D Foundations:
Week 4 Activity: Origami

Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding.

Target Goal:

  • I can use my hands to manipulate the materials given to create a 3D sculpture.


  • 8.5' x 11' piece of paper.


  • Watch a youtube tutorial on the creation of an origami figure. (Ex. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZdO2e8K29o)
  • Attempt, by following along with your own materials.
  • Turn in by taking a picture of your origami model and sending it to me via text at (248)935.3958, email attachment at macdonke@qps.org, or schoology message.


Week 5 Activity: 20 Item - Found Sculpture

Target Goal:

  • I can use my hands to manipulate the materials to create a 3D sculpture.


  • 20 household items (Ex. paper clips, toothpicks, q tips, popsicle sticks, buttons, cotton balls)
  • Glue (optional)
  • Cardboard base (optional)


  • Locate a MINIMUM of 20 of a singular item around your house.
  • You may use UNITS of multiple of your item to meet the minimum number of items used requirement.
  • Arrange and solidify your items in an artistic fasion to make a sculpture. (See my attached examples below)
  • Be creative!
  • Turn in by taking a picture of your sculpture and sending it to me via text at (248)935.3958, email attachment at macdonke@qps.org, or schoology message.