Things To Teach Your Kids About Facebook Security
Lesson 1: Teaching Kids About Internet Safety
- Things To Teach Your Kids About Facebook Security Page
- Things To Teach Your Kids About Facebook Security Issues
Teaching kids about Internet safety
The Internet can be a wonderful place to learn, shop, play games, and talk to your friends. Unfortunately, there are also predators, identity thieves, and others online who may try to harm you. In order to be safe online, it's important for you and your kids to be aware of the dangers.
With children spending time online at younger and younger ages, it’s vital that we explicitly teach young children how to protect themselves online. Most young children get the “ stranger danger ” talk at school, so they know about how to handle strangers in their neighborhood and in face-to-face situations. Finally, hover over attached links to examine the URLs. If the URLs direct you to Facebook, and the email addresses are legitimate, it is safe to proceed. Create Page Roles. To help manage your company’s Facebook Page and limit employee access, we suggest assigning Page roles. As the owner of your Facebook Page, you automatically become an.
Learn our top 5 Facebook safety tips. With Facebook being the largest social media network in the world, it’s important for parents to teach their kids Facebook safety. In addition to Facebook’s popularity the network also happens to be in our Green Zone, which means it can have a positive impact on your student’s digital footprint when used wisely. Here's What Cyber Security Experts Teach Their Kids About The Internet. If they are on Twitter for example, or Facebook, commenting or replying to posts, If they think that I. Every time Facebook redesigns the site, which happens at least a few times a year, it puts your privacy settings back to a default in which, essentially, all of your information is made public.
Many kids are confident that they know how to be safe online. However, there are a few reasons kids are often more at risk. They may not always think about the consequences of their actions, which can cause them to share too much information about themselves. Kids also are sometimes specifically targeted by cyberbullies or predators.
Things To Teach Your Kids About Facebook Security Page
If you're a parent or guardian, you can help to keep your kids safe by talking to them about their Internet use, teaching them about online dangers, and learning everything you can about the Internet so you can make informed decisions.
About this tutorial
This tutorial is designed for any parent or guardian who wants to learn how to keep their kids safe online. You may want to review our Internet Safety tutorial first so you'll have a basic understanding of online safety. Throughout this tutorial, we'll link to other resources you can use if you want more information. We'll also link to some activities, videos, and other resources that are geared toward kids and teens. You may want to show these resources to your kids or even work through them together.
If you want to learn the basics of using the Internet, you can also check out our Internet Basics, Email 101, and Beyond Email tutorials.
Understanding online dangers
In order to keep your kids safe, you'll need to know about the different types of online dangers that exist. For example, kids and teens may find inappropriate content on the Internet, such as pornography or obscene language. There is also a possibility of cyberbullying or cyberharassment from others online. This does not mean your child will encounter all of these threats. However, knowing about the dangers can help you and your kids make smart decisions online.
Review the interactive below to learn about some of the dangers kids can encounter online.
Malware is malicious software that is designed to damage your computer or steal your personal information. It includes viruses, spyware, and other types of software.
Malware is often secretly bundled with other software, and it can also infect email attachments.
Cyber-stalking is any kind of harassment or threatening behavior that occurs online. It can happen through instant messaging, text messaging, email, or social networks. If the perpetrator is a child or teen, it is often called cyberbullying.
In the online world, piracy refers to illegally sharing copyrighted materials. This can include music, movies, TV shows, and software. For many kids, sharing files may seem innocent, but it can result in stiff penalties.
Phishing is a type of scam where the scammer tries to trick you into revealing your personal information. Usually, it involves an email, instant message, or website that is designed to look like it's from a legitimate company.
The Internet contains a lot of content you probably don't want your kids to see, including pornography, violent content, and vulgar language.
Cyberbullying is bullying that occurs online, often through instant messaging, text messaging, email, and social networks.
Cyberbullies may be the same age as the victims, or they may be older. If the perpetrator is an adult, it is generally called cyber-stalking or cyberharassment.
Revealing too much
Things To Teach Your Kids About Facebook Security Issues
Many kids and teens like to post photos and share information about themselves. In some cases, this information can be used by online predators.
It's also possible for an embarrassing photo to damage a kid's or teen's reputation. This can affect their social life, and it may even come back to haunt them years later when they're applying for a job.
Other types of dangers
Whenever someone uses a computer, there is a risk of eye strain, wrist strain, and other injuries. You can help prevent this by limiting the amount of time your kids spend on computers and mobile devices. For tips on avoiding injury, read Creating a Safe Workspace in our Computer Basics tutorial.
There's also another reason to limit your kids' Internet use: Because people are spending more and more time online, Internet addiction is becoming a more significant problem. Internet use can be a good thing, but if it becomes an addiction it can affect a person's offline life.
Places where dangers can occur
It's important for kids to be careful whenever they're connected to the Internet because online dangers are not just limited to bad websites. Chat rooms, computer games, and even social networking sites can be risky. If your kids have mobile phones, they'll also need to be careful when texting or when accessing the Internet on their phones.
Review the slideshow below to learn about some of the places online where kids can be at risk.
Guidelines for keeping your kids safe
It can be difficult to keep your kids completely safe online. Even if you set up parental controls on your home computer, your kids will use many other computers that don't have parental controls. To keep your kids safe, you'll need to teach them to make good decisions online—even when you're not around.
Below are some general tips you can use when teaching your kids about online safety:
- Learn everything you can about the Internet. Being familiar with the Internet will not only help you understand the risks, but it will also help you talk to your kids.
- Set standards for what your kids can and cannot do online. It's important to make rules for your kids so they know what's expected of them. Don't wait until something bad happens to start creating guidelines.
- Teach your kids to keep personal information private. It's usually a bad idea to post personal information online such as phone numbers, addresses, and credit cards. If criminals gain access to this information, they can use it to harm you or your family.
- Teach your kids to use social networking sites safely. Sites like Facebook allow kids—and adults—to share photos and videos of themselves, as well as have conversations with friends and strangers. If your kids share something with friends, it's still possible for it to get into the wrong hands. Generally, they should only post something online if they're comfortable with everyone in the world seeing it.
- Encourage your kids to come to you if they encounter a problem. If your child gets into trouble online, you'll want him or her to come to you instead of hiding it. Keep in mind that your kids could accidentally encounter a bad site, even if they're doing everything right.
- Talk to your kids about Internet use. Talk to your kids regularly about how they use the Internet. If they're in the habit of talking to you about the Internet, they'll be more willing to come to you if there's a problem.
The Federal Trade Commission has videos and other resources you may find helpful. Watch the following video to learn more about talking to your kids about Internet safety.
Minimizing risks at home
If you have a home computer your kids use, there are some extra precautions you can take to make it safer. Remember that your kids will probably use many other computers, and these precautions won't keep them safe when they're not at home. Also, keep in mind that these are merely suggestions; depending on your parenting style and your kids' ages, you may choose not to use all of them.
- Keep the computer in the living room or in another common area. By putting the computer in a common area of the house, you can reduce the chance that they'll talk to strangers or visit inappropriate websites. For teens, you may choose to give them more freedom about where they use the computer (especially if they have their own computers).
- Install antivirus software. Viruses and other malware are a risk for any computer (although Macs are slightly safer). To protect your computer, you can install antivirus software such as BitDefender or Norton.
- Use a kid-friendly search engine. Regular search engines may return results with inappropriate content you don't want your kids to see. However, there are some search engines that are designed to only return kid-friendly results (although there is still the possibility of inappropriate results getting through). Examples include KidTopia and
- Use parental controls. Windows and Mac OS X allow you to add parental controls to user accounts. These include time limits, website restrictions, and controlling which applications can be opened. You can also buy parental control software like Net Nanny, which has versions for Windows and Mac.
Creating an Internet safety contract
Once you've established Internet guidelines, you may want to put them in writing. You can create an Internet safety contract your kids can sign, and then you can keep a copy of it near the computer.
There are also premade contracts you can download and print. One example is the Family Online Safety Contract, which you can download from the Family Online Safety Institute. In addition to a contract, it includes a contract for parents, which contains guidelines you may find helpful.
Written by: Jorinde Berben
Image credit: Tom Cornille
A few months ago, I wrote a post on what we subconsciously teach our kids. But the fact of the matter is, that in the relationship between parents and children, it is the children who are the true teachers.
It took us quite a long time to decide to have children. I could think of every reason in the book not to (environmental concerns, “what kind of world will they grow up in”, studies that show that having children doesn’t make you a happier person, etc.), but there was one overall reason that my mind couldn’t counteract: I really wanted this experience in my life. I felt I would be missing out if I didn’t.
I know now that I wasn’t wrong. Being a mother has been the most rewarding experience of my life up to now.
Once the decision was made, and the baby on the way, I read everything I could to prepare myself. And yet, as any parent will tell you, there’s not a single book in the world that can prepare you for how children will impact your life. From the way your day-to-day life changes to the way your change as a person, every area in our lives undergoes some kind of change, and this cannot but come with lessons to learn, whether we want to or not.
Here are 7 lessons no parent can avoid learning when raising children:
- Coming to grips with how you were parented.
Whether you stem from a warm home or not, the way your parents treated you will come into play as you parent your children. This can be helpful when you copy your parents’ loving acts or when you try to avoid the things that hurt you as a child. But often you also catch yourself repeating their words and tactics in moments of anger, in ways you didn’t plan. It is then your job as an adult to take on these engrained thoughts and practices, if you want to change them. Growing up means becoming your own parent first, and that also means replacing the thoughts from your childhood with the thoughts you choose to think now. - What powerlessness feels like.
Perhaps it doesn’t take children to learn this lesson, but I don’t know any parent who DOESN’T know what it feels like to feel completely powerless in the face of a baby that won’t stop crying, a toddler in the throws of a tantrum or a teenager that refuses to respect any consequences you put before them.
This feeling of being utterly powerless, of having no control over the situation, is incredibly difficult. It can lead to rage, or despair. Either way, we have to find ways to deal with this emotion when it arises, and learn to keep it from rising up. - Where your own pressure points lie and what happens when they are pushed too hard.
There is no one that can push your buttons like your own children. And no, they don’t do it on purpose, though it might sometimes feel like that. They have just grown up completely focused on you, as a parent, for years. So if anyone knows you, it’s your children. You can’t hide from them, not when you’re sad nor when you’re angry. They have learned to pay very close attention to what ticks you off; and at times they are very much willing to demonstrate this.
The anger you can feel as a parent directed at your own children, the frustration that can arise, can be a very scary experience and invites strongly to reflect on your own emotional, behavioural and thought patterns. - How someone else’s pain can become your own pain.
Seeing your children suffer, watching them cry or feel hurt, is a feeling you can’t ignore. The connection is so deep, so all-encompassing, that their pain feels like your pain. When I see how my children miss their father after our divorce, each time again, I feel this pain deep in my heart. I ache for them and I so wish I could take that pain away, and yet… - There are things you can’t fix, even if you want to.
As a parent, you want to give your children everything they need, everything they deserve. But you can’t. There will be times you will not be there when they need you to be. There will be times they’ll be in pain and you won’t be able to comfort them. There will be times when you are angry and all they want is to feel close and loved. Accepting this, your own limitations as a parent, is both incredibly hard and also, strangely liberating. It allows you to come to terms with yourself and view yourself with compassion.
As Alain the Botton once said (paraphrased): “How can imperfect children learn to accept themselves if they are raised by perfect parents?” - You have really very little control over who your children become.
If you have more than one child, you quickly find out that each of these creatures responds very differently toward your attempts at shaping their character. So much so, that you might start to question whether these attempts have much affect. As this TED-talk shows, your children are largely going to be who they are going to be, and what we do to shape them has, at most, a small and very unpredictable effect. - Love knows no limits.
This is the first lesson I learned, and it’s the one I see repeated every single day. My love for my children is not a choice, it’s a deep rooted instinct and it is so powerful that it can withstand anything. Whether it’s my children hitting me when they are angry or telling me I’m a ‘stupid mama’, there is not a doubt in my mind that even in my enraged moments, I love my children more than anything else in this universe.
Realising that this is how most parents feel about their children helps us understand why refugees put children on overcrowded boats, why celebrities bribe universities so there children can attend and why the mother of a murderer continues to stand by her child.
Love, really is, the strongest force there is.
I’m curious to hear which lessons you learned from being a parent. Feel free to share them in the comments below and I’ll enjoy learning from your experiences as well.