Aboutswsmac Student Group

Tuesday 01/05/2021

Log in to make an appointment. Request an Appointment Online. Or call Adult Specialties (800) 272-3666 or Pediatric Specialties (877) 607-5280. MSW Student Association Master of Social Work Student Association (MSWSA) The MSWSA is a student-run organization dedicated to promoting academic, professional and personal growth of M.S.W. Students throughout their time at the university. Learn more about what the School of Social Work is doing on Racial Injustice. Dorothea Ivey, Washington, DC, 2014). ASU Social Work Student Forum has 990 members. This group is meant for all social work students at Arizona State University to use as a source of community building and support. Post questions, get feedback and build relationships with other social workers at ASU through this forum group! The Study Group Will Start at 12:30 and End at 3:30 Registrars Will be Able to Log in 15 Minutes Before Start Participants Will be Limited to 100.

IMPORTANT CHANGES TO MEAL ORDERING: As of January 1, 2021, parents no longer need to pre-order meals through Infinite Campus while their child(ren) are learning remotely in the Blended environment.

Parents DO need to complete the one-time meal order opt-in form on the Food Services website to receive meals for the days their child(ren) are learning remotely and are not in school physically. Please visit the district website for more information www.swcsd.us

CAMBIOS IMPORTANTES EN LOS PEDIDOS DE COMIDAS: A partir del 1 de enero de 2021, los padres ya no necesitan hacer pedidos anticipados de comidas a través de Infinite Campus mientras sus hijos aprenden de forma remota en el entorno combinado.

Los padres DEBEN completar una sola vez el formulario de suscripción de pedido de comida en el sitio web de servicios de alimentos para recibir comidas durante los días en que sus hijos están aprendiendo de forma remota y no están físicamente en la escuela. Por favor visite el sitio web del distrito para más información: www.swcsd.us

ISBEDELYADA MUHIIMKA AH EE AMARKA CUNTADA: Laga bilaabo Janaayo 1, 2021, waalidiintu mar dambe uma baahna inay horay u sii dalbadaan cunnooyinka iyagoo maraya xerada loo yaqaan 'Infinite Campus' halka carruurtoodu (carruurtoodu) ay meel fog uga baranayaan jawiga isku-dhafan.

WAALIDIINTU waxay u baahan yihiin inay ku buuxiyaan foomka xulashada dalabka hal-mar ee websaydhada Adeegyada Cuntada si ay u helaan cunnooyinka maalmaha ay carruurtoodu (carruurtoodu) wax ka baranayaan meelaha fogfog oo aysan ku jirin dugsiga jir ahaan. Fadlan booqo websaydhka degmada wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah www.swcsd.us

Friday 08/07/2020

Free and Reduced-Price Meal Application (Meal Benefit Application)

Aboutswsmac Student Group Activities

We are excited to offer you the ability to complete your Free and Reduced-Price meal application online through the Parent Portal! It is safe, confidential, and is delivered electronically directly to the Food Services Department.

To complete the application electronically, please follow the steps below:

  1. Create your e-signature PIN in Settings > Account Settings in the portal.
  2. Click More in the left-hand side of the index.
  3. Click Meal Benefits.
  4. Click on the blue link to complete your application.
  5. Click Submit when complete.

Aboutswsmac Student Group Member

If you have any questions, please contact the Food Services Department at (614) 801-3104.

Tuesday 10/29/2019

Please follow this link to our district website and the Parent's Guide to Intermediate School Report Cards.

Sunday 09/01/2019

Are you a new user? Click here to enter your activation key and create your Portal account for Campus Parent or Campus Student.

Sunday 07/01/2018

Please note that Final Grades listed as In-Progress (highlighted in yellow) are not calculated per SWCSD grading policy. Please disregard these grades until they are posted as Final Grades (highlighted in green). This is the row located below the Exam Grade. Please see the 'Middle School and High School Grading Policy' link/document under the Parent Resources section of the district web site (www.swcsd.us) for complete grading policy details.