The Definitive Watcher Chronicle Highlander

Name:The Highlander Watchers Webring
Date Founded:founded 31 December 1996
URL:List of Member Sites

Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

The Highlander Watchers Webring was a Highlanderwebring. The ring homepage was hosted by GeoCities.

The Highlander and Watchers Chronicles Webring is specifically designed for Highlander fans who have a website pretaining to the Watchers, dedicated to Watchers, have a small portion of Watcher content in their site, or even nothing on Watchers at all! It signifies that you belong to a webring that is Highlander-related, and have obtained your degree from the Watcher Academy! Enjoy!

There's been much ado about the new Highlander transfer from StudioCanal, now presented on Region 1 Blu-ray from Lionsgate. Highlander, which has suffered a terrible 1997 DVD and a mediocre 2010 Blu-ray, has finally been given new life through a 4K transfer and restoration of the original camera negative, improving the color, removing nicks scratches and stains, and improving image stability. Highlander: The Series; Relationships. Watcher's Chronicle. And establish a place for a Watcher to work from in order to keep a close eye on these seven. Highlander III: The Sorcerer (alternatively titled Highlander: The Final Dimension) was released on November 25, 1994. It is a direct sequel to the original film, ignoring and contradicting the story of Highlander II. Following Brenda Wyatt's death in a car crash in 1987, MacLeod is living in Marakesh with his adopted son John. Ryan also died from his gunshot wounds but, as expected by this Watcher, he reawakened as a new Immortal (see Watcher report #RR10231993). MacLeod admitted to Ryan that he'd known all along that he would be an Immortal too. This was the first definitive proof we've received that Immortals can sense those who have yet to meet their first death. Amy Zoll is mentioned in the Watcher Chronicle DVD extras throughout the series and the mention of Marcus' Classicist Poker Nights is from the Watcher Chronicle DVD extras on, I believe, Forgive Us Our Trespasses. Both 'Adam' and Amy Zoll are said to have been regular attendees.


Site for The Ravens Playground by loyalthrookie - This is the web site for the MSN RPG based off of Highlander. Has character descriptions, story happenings, and photo galleries of all characters, and a general gallery of other Highlander pictures. It also has Amanda quotes, and I'm always expanding the galleries.

Neverending Life by shendara600 - Highlander and other FanFiction, a few pictures and a page dedicated to my favourite Immortal - Bryce Korland

Heidi McKeon - A Highlander links page that contains links to fan clubs, fanfic sites, and character based sites.

The Definitive Watcher Chronicle Highlander Release

Highlander The Series by gisele_highlander_fan - Everything about Highlander!

beccaelizabeth's dojo by beccaelizabeth - Highlander fanfic, links, frus, animated pics, memorial garden and basically everything vaguely highlander related my strange little mind can come up with.

Planeta Zeist by planetazeist - The first website in Portuguese specialized in Highlander fanfiction - other fictional Universes are alowed!

Aka Draven MacWacko Highlander Brazil by akadraven - Castle MacWacko - The Brazilian information center about Highlander, completely in Portuguese!

Immortal Taelon Network by salandra_jones - German Highlander and Earth: Final Conflict Site with fanfiction a.s.o...

Sheshat's Online Library by sheshat - General & adult fanfic; adventure, humor & romance; features several original Watcher characters. Be sure to visit the rest of the Library for other fandoms including BeastMaster, Buffy, due South, Farscape, The Crow, & Stargate SG1. Submissions welcome!


The Definitive Watcher Chronicle Highlander Review

skern7's Princes of the Universe - Has a wide range of Highlanderequese topics ranging from the card game to the series and movies.

Lt_Rita_Lee's TV Extravaganza - A TV obsessed website! Updated constantly (daily)

Caroline's Highlander Page - Lists, games, midi, and more!

Mystic Lord Vangor (Realm of Vangoria) - There is a bit of Everything for Everyone! There's dragons, fairies, pics, history, wildlife, wolves page, rpg page and babies of all kinds. There are web rings (I even have few of my own), fantasy, awards and site awards, POW/MIA page and there are homegrown stories and p

The Silicon Surfer's Highlander Page - Mostly links at this time.....


Sailor Mar's Highlander Page - My favorite pics, quotes, Highlander fanfics, and a ton of other stuff to see! :-) Owned by the MacSprite Clan.

Highlander Insights - A topical Discussion on Immortals, Swords, The Movies and Series (even the Animated one!) Theories on The Immortals being Real. (they say Vampires And Magik is so why not.) and also what the whole ball of wax really means!!!!!! With your host Arioch Tawnos

A Warrior, A Lover ... - A site dedicated to HL:The Series with a particular focus on Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod

THE UNNOFFICIAL HIGHLANDER WEB RING - links and pictures of highlander the series and movies

WATCHER CHRONICLE: METHOS - Highlander fan fiction. Mostly Methos with guest appearances by other immortals. Lots of pictures & sound.

The FreakShow: The Highlander Booth - Mostly links and pics, but it will grow. Also a page dedicated to Methos/Peter Wingfield. Part of a much larger site, if your interested in heavy metal or X Files and such check out the other booths.

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The following pages are classified. Any divulgence of any information on the following pages will be severely punished. These pages contain the information on all the Immortals we have recorded over the centuries. Many have come our way and many more may be yet to come. It is our job to observe and record their lives. We will do so as long as they are around. Always remember -- Watch, but never interfere.

NOTE FROM AUTHOR: The message above was taken from the point of view of the Watchers Organization. No one will be punished for sharing the information. If you do, just let me know. :) I have taken a good time to accumulate the data for the following pages. Many may not contain accurate dates and may have some errors. There is also some fictional content on a number of the pages to fill in the gaps left by the show and movies. If you wish to get accurate details on any of the Immortals, you may wish to purchase the Highlander Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM from the Highlander Catalog at the Official Highlander Site. It was produced by Donna Lettow and thanks to her, she has allowed this site to continue. I thank her whole heartedly for that. But please enjoy the site and if you wish to add to it or find something that does not quite match up, just E-mail Me. And thanks for the support.

This page is created by and maintained by Matt Notley. Web space provided by This site is in no way affiliated with Highlander and these pages have been created for the sole purpose of fan entertainment and information. All characters, situations, or events are copyright under Davis/Panzer Productions, Rysher Entertainment, and Gaumont Television. Some images may go against copyright rules, but are used in no way for commercial profit or gain. If anyone has a problem with them or sees that they do not belong here, E-mail the Watchers, and we will resolve the situation A.S.A.P. Last Updated 05/27/00.