Flowersoutlander Lists  & Timelines

Someone once said that flowers are God’s sweetest creations without a soul, and we couldn’t agree more. They’re alluring, romantic, delicate, and fragile, just like a woman. God is a fine artist with lots of imagination. Some of the flowers he created are incredible. Although most of them live a short life, they somehow manage to make the most of it. For centuries, these frail gifts of nature have helped us convey deep feelings and momentous emotions. A flower’s fragrance and beauty is an ideal gift. Given that Valentine’s Day is a month away, here are 15 of the world’s most popular flowers you might want to offer to a loved one.

1. Rose

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There’s no doubt about it – the rose is the world’s most popular and acclaimed flower. Available in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors, roses symbolize love and happiness. People offer bouquets on birthdays and anniversaries, weddings and special events because the flowers are truly inspirational. Roses also denote beauty, innocence, politics, and war, and nowadays many people grow roses in their homes and gardens. The flowers have the freshest smell, not to mention that they look incredibly delicate. Apart from all-natural colors of red and white, today one can find roses in all sorts of other color combinations, including blue and black for example.

2. Carnation

Carnations date back more than 2,000 years. They’re rich with mythology, symbolism and even debate, mostly because of the name. Some say that it comes from Ancient Greece, while others argue that it is derived from “carnis”, a Latin word that means flesh, thus bringing out the original pink shade of the flower that is related to incarnation. Carnations are extremely common flowers that symbolize fascination, distinction and love. They can be found in a wealth of shades and color combinations, starting from classic red and pink, to unusual combos of yellow and blue, fuschia, purple and more.

3. Tulip

Tulips became popular in the 17th century when they started invading major European countries, especially Holland. Many people began collecting these tantalizing bell-shaped flowers, thus triggering a trend known as “tulipomania”. Widespread all over Europe in the spring, tulips are available in many interesting colors, starting from red & yellow, to more unusual shades of light blue & purple.

4. Daisy

Although they have the simplest design, daisies are incredibly beautiful flowers. They convey a lot of exuberance and merriment; many people grow them in their gardens, or gift them to their significant others. As for their significance, botanists argue that daisies symbolize purity and innocence. The perennial flower with evergreen leaves has thin, white petals and a yellow center; it can be grown anywhere provided that you provide them enough water.

5. Sunflower

Also known as helianthus, the sunflower is one of the world’s most striking flowers. Its name comes from the Greek words “helios” that means the sun, and “anthos” that means flower. Featuring 67 species, the sunflower is believed to have originated from the Americas. Nowadays, it is distributed around the world, and even cultivated for its seeds. Sunflowers may reach over 1 meter in diameter, and the actual flower has deep yellow petals and brown, seedy center.

6. Daffodil

Daffodils are exceptional flowers that symbolize friendship, and they belong to the Narcissus genus. Featuring a trumpet-shaped structure placed against a background in the shape of a star, daffodils come in deep yellow. They flourish in the spring season and they bloom in clusters. Native to the Mediterranean region, these gorgeous flowers can also be found in shades of yellow & orange, white & orange, lime & green, pink and more.

7. Gerbera

Gerberas are part of the sunflower family, and they symbolize both purity and innocence. Because they’re available in a wealth of colors, they’re ideal for decorating a home. This perennial flower features a wide capitulum with outstanding two-lipped ray florets. Even though the capitulum looks like single flower, in fact it hosts many individual flowers.

Flowers Outlander Lists List

8. Orchid

The orchid is one of the world’s most graceful flowers. It is an ornamental plant available in beautiful shades of pink, white, deep purple, fuchsia and more. Orchids symbolize strength, beauty and luxury, and in ancient Greece they were related to virility. In ancient Greece, pregnant women fed their husbands orchids in the hopes that their unborn babies would be boys.

9. Iris

Iris means rainbow, and the flower belongs to Iris, a Greek goddess and a messenger of love. The main symbol of this flower is eloquence; irises are exceptional plants to grow in the garden and they’re available in numerous colors, from red and brown to yellow, orange, pink, and even black.

10. Lilac

In the Greek mythology, the story of the lilac flower is quite fascinating. It starts with a superb nymph called ‘Syringa’, which is actually the botanical name of the flower. When the god of fields and forests, Pan, is bewitched by Syringa’s beauty, he starts chasing her. Terrified by Pan, the nymph turns into an aromatic flower, the lilac. The purple flower is an omen to the spring season, and it symbolizes emotions of love and admiration.

11. Gardenia

Gardenias are extremely delicate and fragile flowers indigenous to the subtropical and tropical areas of Australia, South Africa and Asia. These evergreen shrubs have glossy leaves and sheer white flowers with an intoxicating sweet flagrance. Rumor has it that gardenias mean secret love, so there’s definitely some mystery hidden behind this beautiful flower.

12. Jasmine

Scientifically known as “jasminum sambac”, the jasmine flower is a popular species of the genus, and it is Indonesia’s national flower. Extremely popular worldwide, jasmine is native to temperate and tropical regions around the world. Sweet scented and extremely enticing at a first glimpse, its fragrance is usually released in the evening, after the sun was set, and particularly when it’s almost full moon.

13. Magnolia

Appreciated around the world for their flowers and forms, magnolias grow in trees or shrubs. They produce white, pink, yellow or purple flowers and their leaves are evergreen and super glossy. Around the world, there are more than 200 magnolia species, mostly native to tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of Central America, Asia and the Caribbean. The name of the flower comes from Pierre Magnolia, a 17th century botanist; as for the flower’s symbolism, many agree that magnolias represent perseverance, nobility, love for nature and dignity.

14. Hyacinth

The hyacinth flower is a true wonder of nature with narrow leaves that fold lengthwise and fragrant colorful flowers that blossom in crowded clusters. The species includes 30 additional flowering plants and it is originally from Africa and the Mediterranean region. The flowers look like beautiful starfish, and are available in many different shades of deep purple, pink, white, and hybrids.

15. Lilly of the Valley

Can you believe that this incredibly small flower has the most powerful scent? Lilly of the Valley blooms in the spring; it has long, voluminous leaves and bell-shaped flowers that grow in clusters. It’s an extremely interesting plant indigenous to the Mediterranean regions. Lilly of the Valley is fond of shade, and it sometimes spreads too quickly around people’s gardens. Some people know it under the name ‘Mary’s Tears’ or ‘Our Lady’s Tears’; according to various Christian legends, the flower sprang after the Virgin Mary shed tears when Jesus was crucified.

Flowersoutlander Lists  & Timelines

Which one of these 15 flowers is your favorite?

Flowers List D

1. Daffodil Bulbs
Also known as yellow Narcissus
Nicis or Paaslelie in Dutch
Family of Amaryllidaceae
Cut flower
Dutch Spring flowers
Indoor plant and outdoor spring garden flowers
Love plenty of light
Blooming in spring
Excellent for flower borders
Tulips and Hyacinth flowers are their best friends

Flowers Outlander Lists Order

a. Narcissus-Minnow
Botanic light yellow flower
Rich bloomer
Dwarf plant

b. Narcissus, Yellow
Trompetnarcissen in Dutch
Average height is around 15-30cm

c. Narcissus, Miniture 'Téte-á-Téte'
Miniatuurnarcissen in Dutch
Deep yellow flowers in cluster
Spring bulbs
Winter hard to about minus 15°C
Perennial plant
Love plenty of light
Blooming in spring
Remove spent flowers can prolong the blooming time
Suitable for indoors flower baskets

d. Narcissus, Double
Light yellow petals with bright orange heart

e. Narcissus, Hybrid

African Daisy see African Flowers
Dahlia see Dahlia Flowers

2. Daisy, Double or Daisy, English
Dubbel Madeliefje or Pomponbloemen in Dutch
Family of Compositae
One year wild plant
10cm in height
Little flower in red, pink, white with a yellow heart
Blooming from early spring

Daisy, Michaelmas see Asters in flowers guide

Daisy, Painted
Margriet in Dutch
Cut flower
Double petals
Drought tolerant perennials flower
Love sunny and half shadow
Blooming from May to June

a. Tanacetum-coccineum 'Robinson's Red'
Plant height is 50-60cm
Fragrant leaves
Red flower

b. Tanacetum-coccineum 'Robinson's Rose'
Plant height is about 80cm
Pink flower

Daisy, Spain
Spaanse margrieten in Dutch
Garden flowers in purplish pink
Love sunny and half shadow
Blooming from July
Can be planted in pots and containers

Flowers outlander lists online

Day lily see types of Lily flowers

3. Desert Rose
(Adenium obesum)
Impalalelie or Woestijnroos in Dutch
Warm weather flowers
Medium sized pink flowers

Love full sun
Bloom twice annually
Popular plant in Tropical gardens
Can be trained as an indoor bonsai

Flowers List D

Dianthus see Sweet William

4. Dipladenia
Belongs to the family of Apocynaceae
Climb plants
Minimum required temperature is over 10°C
Perennial fragrant plant
Love moist soil
Indoor house plants and outdoor garden plants
Blooming from spring to autumn
Great for Containers
Suitable for balcony gardening

a. Dipladenia-sanderi
Light purple large hanging flowers
Creeping plant

b. Mandevilla-splendens
Also known as indoor Jasmine

Red petals

Pink petals

Flowers List E

1. Echinopa-ritro 'Taplow blue'
Kogeldistel in Dutch
Easy grower
In autumn flowers appear in blue
Ball shaped flowers about 5cm across
Love a sunny place
Bees beloved
Plant height is about 1.5 meter
Happy with any type of well drained deep soil

2. Elephant's ears
Bergenia cordifolia 'Abendglut'
(Schoenlappersplant in Dutch)
Common border plants in Netherlands
Mild winter evergreens
Blooming in early spring
Perennials medium pink flowers
Love good drainage moist ground
Large leaf bush plant for all weather
Average height is about 30cm
Slugs and snails beloved
Suitable for water garden landscaping
Great for corners

3. Eryngium-bourgatii
Decorative everlasting flowers
Preferred a sunny location
Perennials flower with silvery green leaves
Good drainage rich moist ground
Blooming from summer
Great for dry flower bouquet

Flowers List F

1. Feverfew
(chrysanthemum-parthenium or Chamomilla recutita, previously known as Matricaria Chamomilla)
Also known as Chamomile Flowers, Original and May-weed
Echte Kamille or Moederkruid in Dutch
Belongs to family of Compositae
Mini edible white flowers with a yellow heart
Annual medicinal bush herb plant
Aromatic leaves
Love clayey soil
Totally opened dried flowers are used for tea and great for sleep
Blooming from late spring to early autumn
Plant height is about 40cm

2. Finger plants
Also known as Butterfly bush
(Buddleia davidii)
Vlinderstruik or herfstering in Dutch
Belongs to Buddleiaceae family
Semi-dwarf flowering shrub tree
Originally grown in South America, South Africa, and North Asia
Large bush
Easy to grow
Love sunny and half shadows
Blooming in summer

a. Buddleia davidii 'Charming'

b. Buddleia davidii 'Empire'

c. Buddleia davidii 'Fasination'

d. Buddleia davidii 'White Profusion'

Flowers List F

Flamingo plant in Dutch
Family of Araceae
Long stem cut flowers
Perennial flowers
Everlasting indoor house plant
Garden plant in tropical countries
Commonly found in Cameron highlands
Love plenty of light and mild sunlight
Request for high humidity
Minimum temperature is about 16°C
Grow very well in containers

a. Anthurium-scherzerianum, Red
From Netherlands

b. Anthurium in deep pink, green, green and pink, and white petals

4. Floss flower
Garden Ageratum
Belongs to Asteraceae family
Blue flowers like brushes
Borders flowers
Low growing herb plants
Love mild sun or half shadow
Blooming from mid-summer to autumn
Remove old flowers will prolong the blooming time

5. Flowering Onions
Sierui in Dutch
Family of Alliaceae
Winter hardy ornament plant
Long stem cut flower
Great for dry flower bouquet

a. Allium-christophii
Flowers in a purple ball shape
Grow well in rich and good drainage soil
Love full sun
Blooming in late spring
Maximum plant height is about 2 meter

b. Allium-flavum

c. Allium 'Purple Sensation'
Love sunny, half shadow and full shadow

d. Allium-siculuum
Also known as Nectaroscordum-siculum
Home grown cut flowers
Long lasting perennials
Small bell a-like unique flowers in a cluster
Bees beloved
Spring flower bulbs
Love sunny and half shadow
Great for group planting
Can make lovely flower borders
Blooming in mid-spring

e. Allium-ursinum
Long stem cut flowers
In grey white and ball a-like

Four Leaf Clovers

Flowers List F

6. Foxglove Flower
Vingerhoedskruid in Dutch
Two year poisonous plant
Long stem blossoms in pinkish purple
Love sunny and half shadow
Mild winter-hardy
Preferred an acidic moist place
Blooming in second year during mid-spring
Great for a flower show
Maximum height is 1.5 meter

French Marigold see African-flowers
Fritillaria imperialis see Crown lilies in Types of Lily Flowers

7. Fuchsia Flowers
Family of Onagraceae
Bellenplant in Dutch
From Onagraceae family
Everlasting perennial flowers
In different shapes and colours
Indoor house plant and outdoor garden plant
Love sunny, half-shadow and full shadow
Blooming from late spring to early autumn

Best for hanging baskets
Growing well in pots
Removing the old flowers will prolong
the flowering time

Fuchsia 'Madame-Cornelissen'
Small flowers
Pink cape with white bell
Love full sun
Flowering from July to October
Plant's average height is about 75cm

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